Fight For Your Way

Assalamu'alaikum, semua..

Annyeong! haha, acah korean jap.

Hardships equal to kesusahan, kepayahan, cabaran. Right? Dalam hari-hari kita, mesti ada terselit juga perasaan macam ni, "Ya Allah, aku rasa nak give up" "Nak berhenti belajar boleh?" "Duit tak ada ni, macam mana survive" "Nak balik, homesick" dan seangkatan dengannyalah. Banyak keluhan yang terluah tapi kadang-kadang kita tak sedar. I learned with a lecturer that teaching me in subject Research Methodology, he is the type who always unfriend, unfollow with toxic and negative people. He always remind us that, "Awak kalau selalu complaint, otak cepat busuk tau". Orang yang berjaya dan nak berjaya takkan complaint. 

   Aku selalu je rasa nak give up sebenarnya tapi it is actually happen when people around me has been saying that all the time. Kau rasa aku tak terjejas juga ke? Haha. Surroundings do actually affects us in many ways. Tapi tak kisahlah benda tu sebab at the end, kau kena depend on yourself dan kuat serta tabah untuk menolak sebarang aura-aura yang boleh meng'negatif''kan diri sendiri. Aku pun macam korang, ada time untuk jatuh. Tapi once you fall, doesn't mean that you can't rise again. Setiap kali aku rasa down, aku take a break untuk berfikir. "Why do I even start it out kalau tak boleh nak habiskan?" "Kau yang buat pilihan ni, kalau stop what's gonna happen later?" "Apa yang kau nak sebenarnya dalam hidup ni?" . These are some types of questions that I asked myself. Letakkan persoalan bila kau rasa nak stop or give up.

   Even saat ini, aku rasa nak berhenti daripada segala benda. Tapi I'm currently hold myself, sebab tu aku menulis kat sini haa. Because I want to gain some strength through writing. One of my ways maybe? Nak nangis, nak tidur, nak balik, nak doing nothing. Sumpah, mix feelings. But hold on, dear self :) Kau kuat, kau boleh. Ramai lagi orang yang susah daripada kau but they manage to cope with it. Ramai lagi yang facing the same issues macam kau or even the big one, they are struggling too. Everyone is struggling, not you alone. Find some peace kalau rasa celaru sangat, jangan cari roti celaru, eh tapi that would be a good one juga sebab makan is one type of mood maker. Find your inner peace dulu. Nanti next post aku try lah bagi some tips nak find peace, haha. One more thing; certain people kau nampak masalah dia macam small issues, tapi stop playing with other people small issues. Kecil bagi kau tapi bagi dia thats a really big one. Hati, perasaan orang ni lain-lain tau. Just be careful. Oklah, until here dulu setakat ni. May Allah ease your day and your urusan.




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